Saturday, January 30, 2010

Shadows and Substance

First,a little side note. Pastor Rod recently typed two notes on his blog this week - favor of God and making decisions - funny considering the conversations in our home regarding Roger's business, finances, what we see ourselves doing, where we want to be/go... things that make you go 'hmm'!

Colossians 2:17 resignated within my spirit today.
"...which are a shadow of things to come, but the substance is of Christ."
Ever try to catch your shadow?
Shadows can be fun to play with, chasing, making look silly, making all sorts of hand shadow animals...
Shadows can be beautiful silhouettes, or detailing in a photo or painting...

You can, if the subject holds still, even touch a shadow.

But can you hold a shadow? Can the shadow exist without the substance?

There are many 'types' and 'shadows' in scriptures. They are fascinating as one ponders the details of God's masterpiece, they are intellectually and philisophically stimulating, but one must be careful not to get so caught up with the shadow that he forgets the substance by which the shadow exists.

There are plenty of counterfeits of the real and true.

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