Saturday, January 23, 2010

Refreshed and Renewed

Today I set aside my long to do list and went with new friends to go down hill skiing.

The visit to and from was very uplifting, encouraging and solidifing of some things within me.
Like one purifying gold, refining silver, or molding clay -
my Creator does the same with me.
He heats up the temperature to bring the crud to the surface so it can be skimmed off,
He ensures the temperature is not to hot, nor too cold, and refines me till I reflect Him;
and He is continually molding me into the vessel I am destined to be.
I believe that what He is dealing with right now is what/who holds the first love within my being - hence my emotional outburst here this morning.

We make life so difficult. All we need to do is be willing for our Creator to be the potter of our lives. To hear His Voice and obey it. And to love one another with brotherly love, esteeming each other higher then ourselves.

The skiing experience was very intense emotionally - but its late and I don't know that I want to get into that part of it - all I will say for now is that my one daughter and I pushed through and I ended the time thoroughly enjoying some tranquil down hill skiing - and can't wait to go again ... hopefully WITH my children.

Oh, but the day did not end on that note...

We got home later then anticipated, rushed supper, then I dropped one daughter off at the movies with a friend and my son and I went to the prayer meeting. What a great way to get regrounded!

So I will end this entry with saying I am SO thankful for God's great mercy, grace and patience; His promises and for finishing every good work He starts... :)

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