Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Good-bye -written Sept.21

I am writing this Tuesday evening, September the 21st
- the fist day of fall, with a beautiful full moon outside.

A battle rages within me that I fear to voice...
A battle rages in my home...

I do believe greatly that the power of our thoughts and words affect every area of our life.

I do believe that what we see and hear greatly influences our thoughts,
which flows to our hearts
and back out our mouths.
Releasing chemicals and electrical impulses throughout our vessels.

My children have watched and listened to a great deal of 'stuff'.
I have allowed it.
Now I reap what I sowed.

In 1 Samuel Eli, the high priest, learned of his two sons basically stealing from the offering to the Lord and sleeping with women at the temple gate. Eli spoke sternly to his sons and told them to stop, but they did not listen. Then God put an end to Eli's family and their service to the Creator because 'he did not restrain them'. God has been bringing this passage to my mind a lot over the last year or more.

As parents we are responsible to teach and train our children.
They are not mini adults as I once sermized. Dr. Caroline Leaf demonstrates how until a brain is about 18 years old it still is not fully developed and is still building it's 'foundation' that will determine a lot as an adult.
You need to teach a child to do right - not wrong.

Teach a child in the way they should go ...

I have made some big blunders ...
So the computer, and influences tied to it, must go .... at least for awhile.

bye bye.

1 comment:

  1. Should this stay or should this go... hmmm... perhaps I will simply leave it and update you when I have the time to articulate things a bit better! ... THIS is Oct. 6/10!
