Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Well, it's happened again, a new year approaches, and then when I turn around its already June!

Of course the honest sentence would have ended with ...and I am still fat. I am really sick of talking about it, and of waking up in it ... I have written enough about it and am just continuing to persevere.

The thing is, as I began to type God whispered hope into my heart and mind. I love those moments when hope bubbles up within me, its a cool sensation, and am convinced it must be my Jesus.

He is stretching and strengthening my faith, and as I take baby steps His joy fills my soul.

Education is a major thing on my mind. With the move to a new school building, a decent sized ECS class for me to teach, and a serious look at me taking the 4 years of University to become certified, its hard for my mind not to be there. Of course, my weight is mixed in there too - the shame and lack of energy and focus would be gone if I would just do what I should and not what I shouldn't! Sorry Jesus, complaining is SO irritating!

Finances, longing to help my sister, wanting to be in better contact with loved ones, and the daily reminder that my own household needs to be this mom's and wife's priority are other things in this mish-mash of my thoughts.

Followed through with something on my heart that takes a step of faith;
had an amazing brother in the Lord spontaneously pray for and sing over me and another lady at the school;
enjoyed a breathtaking sunset last night
and began this morning with a fresh, gentle breeze on my face;
sunrays streaming through the house, few clouds and branches;
and blue sky.

I got to see the full sky in all its splendor on my way home from a meeting, when I got home Christine was taking these photos out our kitchen window :)

Wish I had some great motivational challenge that I would succeed at this month, some great blog that people would find inspiring - but this June 1 of 2010 is just a mish-mash ...

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