Tuesday, March 8, 2011

'New' Goal

For over a year now I have had it on my heart to be intentional about visiting people. I have made some good steps - however, each visit has led to a commitment! But it's all good! :)

.... anyway, one such visit led a friend asking if I would like to come work out with her in the mornings. For her, morning meant 5am - her husband often leaves at 3am and that is when her day starts! I told her I would think about it. Two weeks later I called her and said I could - but not till 6-6:30am. So I started to walk over to her place about 6am every Monday , Wednesday and Friday. The first day she asked what my goal was.

I told her that fear prevents me from setting any goal other than trying to be more active and eat right. I had failed so often and did not want to set myself up for failure again.

As a couple weeks progressed, and I watched my son working out at TaiKwonDO, and visited with a mom in the stands that is getting into shape with her husband; courage started to rise.
I am at home with my children at this time - what better time to take the time to work by butt off!?
So I began to journal my eating, tried out a calorie counter on line, and have now 'secretly' chosen to set out to lose this weight that SO encumbers me.

Now I must find work this month for financial reasons - while homeschooling the kids (see earlier blogs for more info) - and a fear rises that it won't happen. But I am determined to be more determined. Even if I don't fully succeed THIS time I will choose to look at it that each attempt will get better and that I am in training for success.

AND, some fall out - a couple times I borrowed some of the videos we use and brought them home and have my kids working out with me - this will continue as long as I can do it!

I'm keeping it simple right now - Working out hard at LEAST 3 times a week, excercising preferrably 6 times a week, taking Sundays off. To eat well - and avoiding the allergy foods that cause me to retain water.

I already feel energy and my muscles and hope. I know losing weight will greatly enhance my life and greatly reduce many of my issues.

So here is to new born hope!

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